
Brela is a maltese and is the mother of the two other dogs. She obviously has a white fluffy coat and is a very calm and obedient dog. Brela is currently 3 years old, which is technically 28 years old in human age.


Lani is the first daughter of Brela. She is much smaller than her younger sister. Lani is filled with affection and always asks for hugs. She is currently 1 years old, which is 7 years old in human age.


Kai is the youngest daughter of Brela. She is the biggest dog between the two others. The name Lani and Kai are from the Lanikai Beach in Hawaii, the state I lived in. Kai is also 1 years old, which is 7 years old in human age.


My doggies usually go out on a walk every morning when I get up. At that time, they take their potties and come back into the house.


In the afternoons, when I am at school, my parents usually take them out and walk them for me.


Before I sleep, I take them out one last time. Sometimes I want to sleep with them, so I will bring their fluffy pillow, food bowl, and their water bottle. They cuddle into my blanket and we sleep.